Background and Mission
Syracuse Tomorrow is the nonpartisan, regional, state and local political action committee of CenterState CEO. Syracuse Tomorrow advocates and informs on legislation and issues that are of critical importance to our members and our regional economy. We support our representatives’ work to advance economic prosperity and the needs of the business community.
Syracuse Tomorrow’s mission is accomplished through:
- Lobbying state and local elected officials throughout our 12-county region
- Developing and advocating for state and local pro-business, pro-growth public policies
- Opportunities to inform on state level policies and issues of local and regional importance
- Supporting Government Modernization at the city, county, town and village levels
- Participation in voter turn-out initiatives
- Support for the non-partisan Central New York Political Leadership Institute, preparing interested citizens to participate in local campaigns and elections
Our volunteer member board of directors oversees activities, contributions, and fund raising. Funds given voluntarily magnify the voice of business, providing increased visibility in the region and Albany.
Government Modernization
Recognizing that our region is subject to some of the highest local property taxes relative to property values in the nation, we have long been in support of initiatives to make local government more cost effective and efficient in the manner it provides services for our residents and visitors.
With the establishment of the Consensus Commission and its recommended improvements to existing local government, comes an expanded role for Syracuse Tomorrow. Syracuse Tomorrow engages in broad outreach and advocacy targeted to the citizens and business leadership of Onondaga County, involving them in the Commission‘s work and fulfillment of its recommendations. Syracuse Tomorrow is well positioned to support Consensus Commission in the public sector and with business and community leaders and influencers.
Successes And Activities
- Creation of and support for the Consensus Commission
- Supporting CenterState CEO legislative priorities
- Annual Fall Meet the Candidates Reception
- Support for the non-partisan Political Leadership Institute encouraging and educating more individuals to assist local campaigns and run for local office
- Support for the NUAIR Alliance and the growth of the unmanned systems industry in the region
- Transfer of Hancock International Airport to the Syracuse Airport Authority
- Passage of land bank legislation and creation of a City/County land bank
How to participate: Syracuse Tomorrow welcomes your support through voluntary contributions and sponsorships, participation in our events, and staying informed, connected and supportive of initiatives to improve the regional economy.
For more information, please contact:
Kevin Schwab, Vice President of Member and Community Engagement
CenterState CEO
115 W. Fayette St., Syracuse, New York 13202
Phone: (315) 470-1944
Email: kschwab@centerstateceo.com